
Ted Sells Receives Leader of the Year Nod

Leadership Evergreen honored Ted Sells with a nomination for Leader of the Year during its annual Honoree Celebration on Thursday, March 3, 2016.

Leadership Evergreen honored Ted Sells with a nomination for 2015 Leader of the Year during its annual Honoree Celebration on Thursday, March 3, 2016.

Ted was publicly recognized for his many contributions to the Evergreen community with Leadership Evergreen stating, "Ted Sells has been an active leader in Evergreen for years. He serves on the Center for the Arts Evergreen Board and has also been on the boards for Mt. Evans Home Health Care and Hospice, the past president of the Evergreen Chamber of Commerce Board, the Evergreen Benefactors Board and Forest Heights Lodge. He has been active in the Colorado Bar Association. Ted gives back to his community as a true leader."

Thomas Jefferson is quoted as saying, "May I never get too busy in my own affairs that I fail to respond to the needs of others with kindness and compassion." Despite the continuous demands of a robust practice of law, Ted makes it a priority to give back to the community with both his time and his resources. Sells Law Firm is proud of Ted's well-deserved recognition and nomination.   

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Ted Sells Receives Leader of the Year Nod

Leadership Evergreen honored Ted Sells with a nomination for Leader of the Year during its annual Honoree Celebration on Thursday, March 3, 2016.


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